Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Organization Blog 2

What caught my attention the most out of the beginning of Everything is Miscellaneous- the power of the new digital disorder was the idea of tagging and cataloging digital items. The prologue to this book caught my attention immediately; i was hooked. The idea of organizing in the physical world is kind of a humorous idea now. We as a society are moving more and more closely to a pure digital world. Personally, I cant decide yet if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Anyways, I even laughed a little out loud at this point "... the solution to the overabundance of information is more information." It seems funny that in order to be organized we have to add information (tagging) to digital artifacts. But, it makes total since. Instead of having to have a physical label and a physical location, we know have the opportunity to tag and find the same digital artifact in millions of different "places". "Instead of everything having its place, it's better if things can get assigned multiple places simultaneously."

Personally I am not the more organized person... I will be the first to admit that. I feel that if I actually organized I can make my life easier. Maybe I find it fun and it works the brain having to remember where i put certain things digitally and physically. I guess I can say I organize better in the digital world then the real world. I have my Google calendar plugged and ready to go as well as a semi-organized work hours sheet to keep track of my job. I like to label folders and I have an external hard drive that has music and school work organized. But, for the real world, I really need to get better at keeping things organized and neat. I know where the important stuff is at all times: cellphone, wallet, keys, and my watch. 


  1. It's interesting to think about how organization in the digital world is completely different than that of the physical world. It's like the Staples thing, you can't place blank CD's everywhere, because how else would you make sure it's always stocked? But with photos on Flickr, if you don't give it several tags and 'places' then you won't be able to share it in an effective way. It seems as though you're getting organized using your Google Calendar though! That's a quick and easy way to stay organized whether you're at home or on the go!

  2. I am also much more organized in the digital world than I am in the real world. There are many times where I have misplaced papers and such in the real world and it takes me days to find them, but in the digital world I seem to know where everything is.

  3. I totally agree with what you said about adding information to digital artifacts. It does seem odd that the solution to the overabundance of information is more information, but at the same time it makes perfect sense! I like what you said about being organized in the digital world, I definitely think there is a difference now between being organized in real life and the digital world. I think it is way easier to be organized in the digital world, glad you know where the important stuff is at all times though!

  4. I also organize better in the digital world than in the real world. Probably because dragging some files across your screen is a haaaaaiiiillll of a lot easier than cleaning a room...
    " It seems funny that in order to be organized we have to add information (tagging) to digital artifacts. But, it makes total since. " Super cool topic to focus on. It really is interesting to think about how not only does tagging and filing require more migs and megs, but also when pictures can count in multiple "genres," it gives the illusion that there are more than thee actualy are. for example, you could have 5 pictures, 3 genres, and 4 pictures in each genre.

  5. I agree with what you said about assigning things to multiple places and not just one place. But I also think that some things dont need more than one place because it can become confusing and even, in my opinion, incorrect if too much of one thing is available to a person. They could soon become misleading and off point.
    But I do agree with what you said in your second paragraph. The digital world does seem to be a much easier place to organize our things than in the physical world.

  6. I do quite like the brief summary you have here, and I think it's quite relevant to the reading, but in order for me to do my grading thing, I really have to "see" that you dug into the reading and pulled out the key points. Looking at my "pay attention to" points from the schedule is a way of focusing in on the reading. If you want to see the type of thing I was looking for on this post, take a peek at Katie E or Tom B's blogs. Interesting stuff, just not quite on point (enough).
