Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hypermedia and what not... Blog 4

Hypermedia has changed the way we view literature and what is involved with it. In one of my other DTC classes we have talked about Hypermedia, Hypertext, Cybertext, etc.. These articles are reference this idea of Hypermedia and the idea behind it.

  • None paper based
  • Visual- graphical interface is very important
  • Multimedia- animation, music, pictures, etc... <- fundamental part
  • Non-linear
  • Open text
  • Some: Users can contribute content
These articles seem to focus on the beginning of pictures and style involved with literate. It is very interesting to see how litereature has turned from hieroglyphics to an alphabet and in a way reverting back to "images". It seems more popular for people to want to see an image with little words then to read simple text. People say a picture is worth a thousand words, but without a caption you may not know the background behind this image. This caption can even change the way you view a picture. The world wide web has even evolved this further. Not only are the there images with captions, but now you can click and find more information on the subject, you can post it on your social network with your opinion, or even distort the image and make it your own.

Hypermedia revolutionized the way we see the world now. People have the ability to change things and take other peoples work and edit it more easily than ever before. If you go on Youtube you can find different variations of the same thing. Youtube has changed how media works. Normal people around the world, that would have never been famous before the internet, are now known by millions of people. This website works in a way that promotes getting distracted and lost, but one of the most important things on this website is the comment section. You are allowed to post whatever you want regarding the movie or not. This creates  a discussion that can be hilarious or serious depending on what the video was about.

Anyways.... This may seem a little off topic, but my point here is that "literature", involved with hypermedia, has evolved into a way where many people around the world are able to come together and converse on different subjects.

1 comment:

  1. You're right - I don't see how this is responding to the prompt for this week.
