Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog 8-Communication circuit

The Internet and the electronic age has changed the way business works. Dartons communication node to focus on here is that of the printing/manufacturing and shipping. In the Adams and Barker article is talks about how “manufacturing is primarily a matter of technology and economics.” Technology has advanced the paper industry throughout the years. From the print revolution to the industrial revolution it was always a matter of making cheaper and faster paper. Economics is the driving force behind if something is going to get published. Electronic technology, such as the Internet, has changed how we read.  Making it possible to deliver text wirelessly over cyber space has made literature more attainable then ever before. The main aspect behind running a business is making profit. If it is possible to not have to pay shipping cost, warehouse cost, paper and binding cost, then why not reproduce text electronically and sell them as electronic books. Companies, such as Amazon, are heading in this direction and are making great profit in the progress. Accoring to The Atlantic the E-books on the Kindel reader have recently outpaced hardcover sales. Since many aspects of life are evolved around money, this change of they way literature is read will have a lasting impact on society. I’m not saying hardcover books will be extinct in our lifetime, but the electronic age has added a whole new way of purchasing and reading literature.

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